How to scan with kodak esp 7200 series aio
How to scan with kodak esp 7200 series aio

how to scan with kodak esp 7200 series aio

Does this not sound like having a car sent to you without wheels ? I am currently on hold with Kodak at 7p per minute x 44 minutes. Having spoke to Kodak Customer Services they are telling me I need to order one. I opened all the packaging only to note that the Print Head is missing. As I had lost many days, from promised return calls from Kodak of which none transpired, by the way ! I eventually ordered the Kodak ESP 1.2 and paid for Express Delivery 1 -2 days delivery £4.95 on 12th December it has only just arrived this morning 16th December e.g 4 days later. Unfortunately the Hero 5.1 was no longer available and I was advised the Kodak ESP 1.2 had a similar specification.


I had a Kodak Hero 5.1 printer which failed and I subsequently replaced it with a Service Upgrade model Hero 5.1 This one has failed so I contacted Kodak Technical Support and to be fair the Technician took me through Print Head Cleaning but after this failed he suggested another Service replacement.

how to scan with kodak esp 7200 series aio

I have owned many Kodak products over the years. I have always regarded Kodak as a the guru's of imaging etc. I am asked how about I print it out and make a copy of the receipt and fax it to them. So I was asked to print out 's receipt and take a picture of it - when they know my new printer has NO ink. YES, you read that right a company founded on pictures and photography can not recognize that a big company like might use graphics and pictures on their orders (receipts) instead of a big black and whits blob. So far their personnel is unable to read 's receipts aka orders, the emails from, the dates from, or recognize the pictures in the A's order forms. Their personnel can not decipher 's orders/receipts. My printer was shipped without ink when there was suppose to be ink packets in the box. Do NOT waste your time and make sure to lock your cash and credit cards away. I would give a minus ZERO or negative STARS if the system would let me.

How to scan with kodak esp 7200 series aio